Methyl Synephrine, Cheap Filler

08/29/2012 09:43


Beta-methoxy-synephrine, otherwise known as O-methyl-synephrine (or termed inappropriately "methylsynephrine") is an analogue of synephrine which is found in Acacia Rigidula and other plants. It was recently touted by a company rep as being a strong stimulant, despite that fact that such a proposition would fly in the face of 50 years + of stimulant SAR.

A quick analysis of the literature points out that a beta-methoxy substituent on a phenylethylamine pharmacophore does indeed remove all stimulant activity, as the beta-position is required to be polar (-OH) for direct activation, or absent for reuptake inhibition/releasing. I digress:


A series of phenylisopropylamine derivatives are compared with the correspondent beta-methoxy- and beta-hydroxy-phenethylamine compounds. Unlike amphetamine, the beta-methoxy phenethylamine has no anorectic activity.



Hmm.. so basically what you are saying is that Methylsynephrine is bunk?



Essentially, this is not to be confused with Oxilofrine. Which I had questioned a company regarding their products content, but got no response as there is none. It is literally functionally inert, and one of the (minor) metabolites of p-synephrine itself. The body methylates the beta-position to remove activity. Its efficacy is on par with N-methyltyramine, in regards to stimulant properties, they do not have any that would benefit an athlete.



Intredasting. I thought about picking up some of the bulk Methylsynephrine to try out since it was cheap, but definitely won't be now.

Also makes me chuckle, I saw a poster talking about a certain outdated pre workout recently saying something like "Man, I wish I could get another tub of that stuff, it hit me so hard cause it had methylsynephrine in it!"



Placebo is ths strongest supplement.